Lilah Grows Her Fairy Heart and Wings
As a part of World Wish Day, we're celebrating the impact of incredible and unique wishes like Lilah's and the community that makes them happen.
The Wish Effect
The Long Lasting Impact of Lilah's Wish
Robyn Moore, "Boss Queen Fairy" and Make-A-Wish Patron recalls the incredible journey that Lilah has been on since her wish.
"The relationship with Make-A-Wish just keeps on impacting Lilah, LONG after the Wish...and the Wish Effect is profound! From Lilah being incredibly sick in hospital, to flying on her wish and now receiving free ballet lessons from the lovely Sophia Bender (the “Fairy” Cinematographer who filmed her wish) - the growth and development in Lilah is truly phenomenal. Fairy Sophia always wears her wings to her ballet lessons now too!"
Lilah continued to shine as a Make-A-Wish Ambassador for "Shrek the Musical" in Hobart, where Robyn says was lucky enough to see Lilah again, and noticed she was more empowered than ever and enchanted the entire cast with her confidence at the media photo shoot.
Since her wish, Lilah has gone back to school and participated in her first ever running race. Guess what, she won! Lilah's mum Amelia said she was so happy she cried - go Lilah, go!

It's hard to believe this is Lilah's journey from being incredibly sick…to this SWEET VICTORY over her illness!
Robyn Moore, Queen Boss Fairy and Make-A-Wish National Patron
Lilah's Health Journey
"She was sick at 2 but wasn’t diagnosed until she was 3. She was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia – it wasn’t diagnosed until she basically passed out. I was taking her to the doctors weekly for 9 months, and it got the point that she didn’t have the strength to keep going," says Amelia, Lilah's Mum.
"Because I’m her mum, I knew there was something not right."
"The lowest part of her journey was the first year of chemotherapy, trying to explain to a 3-year-old 'I'm doing this to help you' - that was probably the hardest, as well as being on steroids for so long – she didn’t want me in the room, she didn’t want me out of the room, she didn’t want me to speak to her, she didn’t want me to not speak to her.
She’s dealt with it the best she can with a smile on her face.
A lot of the other children didn’t want to look at her, didn’t want to know her – and she knew how that felt. She would go up to children and say, ‘Hi my name’s Lilah!' and sit and draw with them until they felt comfortable to speak to her."

I love fairies because they can fly
Lilah, Wish Child
Flying is Freeing
Lilah’s mum Amelia says when the Make-A-Wish volunteers asked Lilah what she wished for, there was one obvious answer.
“She quickly replied “to fly with real wings!” before running off again!’
“I believe that comes from being stuck at home and in hospital and not being able to fly – and flying is freeing.”

Let the Training Begin
Her fairy training began with three very important lessons which assisted Lilah in growing a fairy heart and of course, her wonderful wings:
- "How to Grow a fairy heart with LOVE"
- "How to Grow a fairy heart with KINDNESS".
- "How to Grow a fairy heart with COURAGE”.
This intensive fairy training included videos, audio clips and letters from the one and only "Boss Queen Fairy".
Robyn Moore did such a magical job of building a friendship with Lilah in the lead up to her wish, that when they met in person Lilah ran full speed towards her, so excited to meet the Boss Queen Fairy herself.
“I could hardly believe it when I saw the Boss Queen Fairy!’” says Lilah.

To be a fairy you have to be kind. At school I was picking up litter, and I’ve been teaching my friends how to have a kind heart.
Lilah, Wish Child
A Fairy Heart
It takes a lot of work to be a fairy, but Lilah was up for the challenge!
“To be a fairy you have to be kind. At school I was picking up litter, and I’ve been teaching my friends how to have a kind heart,” says Lilah.
“Lilah has always been kind and giving and absolutely enjoys making someone else smile, especially if they’re sad," says Amelia.
"She’s been telling everyone; I get to have a special wish and I get to fly! Just seeing the pure joy on her face, honestly just makes my heart flutter.
Because of everything she’s gone through, it’s helped her to be so outgoing and just wanting to jump in and try everything.”
Robyn Moore did such a magical job of building a friendship with Lilah in the lead up to her wish, that when they met in person Lilah ran full speed towards her, so excited to meet the Boss Queen Fairy herself.
“I could hardly believe it when I saw the Boss Queen Fairy!’” says Lilah.

The Day Lilah Flew
Once Lilah had completed her training, she was ready for official fairy school – a circus-like school in Tasmania with big-hearted teachers who couldn’t wait to meet Lilah.
She very quickly warmed to her fairy teachers who taught her all the basics – such as flying, trapezing, swinging and using silks! Made even more complete with a special fairy bracelet and certificate of achievement that Lilah will always remember her fairy training by.
“Well my face is very sore, it’s the most smiling I’ve done in 2 years I would say!" says Amelia.
"One of my favourite parts of today was just seeing her smile, seeing her laugh and seeing her have so much fun.
Because of her wish, and the #Wishforce – seeing Lilah enjoy every day, every day she talks about her wish and every day that she's a fairy has just meant everything. That has put the magic back into my life as well as hers, and that’s something I believe she will carry through the rest of her life."

“I was really proud of myself. Fairies are in the sky, and now so am I!”
Lilah, Wish Child