Starting a Workplace Giving program
It's quick and straightforward to set up and run. And we're here to help. We can advise you on:
- Setting up your payroll system to give (it's easy!)
- Promoting Workplace Giving to your staff
- Creating a staff engagement strategy to help everyone take advantage of the immediate tax benefits of Payroll Giving
- You’ll also have access to the Workplace Giving Hub, containing everything you need to showcase your support of Make-A-Wish across your workforce.
Speak to a member of our team by calling 1800 032 260 or emailing workplacegiving@makeawish.org.au

Setting up your payroll donations
There are two ways you can set up a Workplace Giving program for your organisation:
Bank Transfers
You can set up your program internally through regular bank transfers that coincide with your pay cycle. Visit the Australian Tax Office website to learn more or fill out our contact form.
Third-party giving platforms
Payroll giving platforms make it easy for your employees. Staff can setup an account, choose a charity and manage their contributions themselves.
Below are existing platforms we partner with:

Benefits of workplace giving
As a Workplace Giver, you're helping unicorns fly, sending kids to the moon and bringing much needed hope and joy to sick kids every time you get paid.
When you give $5
...through a matched Workplace Giving program
It only costs you $3.40*
with your employer matching your $5
and Make-A-Wish receives $10!
Meaning more life-changing wishes for critically ill kids
I have been donating through ANZ’s Workplace Giving Program for over 10 years and it has been one of the best things I have ever done.
Timothy, ANZ
If just 10% of working Australians donated $5 a week, an extra $300 million would be raised
And that's before employer donation matching is added in!*
Workplace giving is a relationship between employers, employees and charities. As an individual you contribute a small portion of your pre-tax salary per week or month to the charity of your choice and receive the tax benefit straight away.
For example, if you donate $5, it will only cost you $3.40 yet the charity receives the full $5.*
Workplace Giving enhances staff engagement, reputation, become an employer of choice, helps to build stronger and genuine relationships with not-for-profits, be seen as an employer making a genuine difference.
It’s an easy, tax-effective way to donate. Helps to make a genuine difference in the community. No need to keep your receipts and make a claim come tax time.
Donations through workplace giving are deducted before your pre-tax pay. This means you receive an instant tax deduction on your donations. Chat to your payroll manager to ensure they can facilitate this. If not, please reach out and we’d be happy to provide further information.
Yes. Ensure you give your payroll manager sufficient notice of when you would like to opt out.
Yes, you can, have this discussion with your payroll manager to set up accordingly.
As long as your payroll manager agrees to do this, then yes you can.
Most employers set the minimum amount to $2 or more to ensure it is tax deductible.
Workplace Giving makes more wishes come true
Right now, more than 900 critically ill kids are on a wish journey. Wishes aren’t just ‘one-offs’ – each wish is carefully planned, designed and delivered to best complement a child’s medical treatment.
You can help more wishes come true every time you're paid. No two wishes are alike - but every wish transforms the lives of those involved, from children themselves to their family, friends, the wish team and wider community.
We don’t receive government funding - we rely on supporters like you to help wishes come true.

Learn more about Workplace Giving
Call our Business Partnerships team on 1800 032 260, email workplacegiving@makeawish.org.au or use our form below.
** Applying tax rate for income between $45,001 and $120,000 per annum @ 1 July 2020. Based on an average fundraising cost of 32%
*Exact figures are dependent on the individual’s ATO personal tax bracket (If just 10% of working Australians donated $5 a week, an extra $300 million would be raised)