Donate to children5's charity and grant wishes

Donate to charity and grant more wishes

Wishes couldn't come true without supporters like you.

You can help bring more wishes to life for children and kids with life-threatening illnesses.

Donate today

Make a monthly donation to charity

A wish is an incredible gift to give a sick child – helping them discover that despite their situation, anything is possible.

Set up your regular gift today or find out more.

More about regular monthly donations
Make A Wish Australia - Ace on his wish smiling with his dad

Donate a gift in your Will

Give children the lasting legacy of a wish-come-true by leaving a special bequest in your Will to children's charity.

Donating a gift in your Will
Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Audrey with her family hugging on the beach

My wish experience gave me hope, but most importantly, the will to live… It made me realise that I shouldn't give up, or stop moving forward.

Julian 18 - wished to meet his idol, Gordon Ramsay

Donate in memory of someone

A gift in memory to Make-A-Wish Australia is a treasured and enduring tribute to a loved one. Find out how you can create memories that will last a lifetime

Donate in memory
Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Isla on her wish in the snow seeing snow for the first time

Donate at weddings, parties, celebrations

Planning a special event of your own? Asking friends and family to donate at your celebration to a kid's charity in lieu of gifts is quick, easy and infinitely rewarding.

Fundraise with a celebration
Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Sophie on her Alice in wonderland wish playing croquet

Donate goods and services

We love people and businesses partners who can support us in kind, giving products and services that help wishes come true.

Find out more about donating and the types of gifts we can accept.

Learn about gifts in kind
Make-A-Wish Australia wish kid Aysha

Start workplace giving

Workplace Giving is a simple and tax-effective way to make a real impact for critically ill kids.

You can help inspirational wishes come true when you become a Corporate Giver or payroll giving for Make-A-Wish.

Become a Workplace Giver
Kids Charity Make-A-Wish wish kid Maple with her Barbies

Want to know more about making a tax deductible donation?

Wish kids featured on this page

⭐ Jordan, 11, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 'I wish to go to ‘The Block’ and meet Scott Cam!'.

⭐ Ace, 18, dystonia, 'I wish to meet my favourite team in person - The Brisbane Lions'.

⭐ Audrey, 6, retinoblastoma, 'I wish to go to the snow in Audrey's rocket'.

⭐ Isla, 4, neuroblastoma, 'I wish to see real snow falling and have it land on my tongue'.

⭐ Sophie, 11, plutocratic astrocytoma suprasellar, 'I wish to shrink like Alice and have a mad hatter tea party'.

⭐ Aysha, 6, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, 'I wish to meet, swim, and play with mermaids'.

⭐ Maple, 4, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, 'I wish for my own Barbie Dreamhouse'.