A Devastating Diagnosis
Despite his enthusiastic grin, Ari's parents knew something was wrong with their son at just one year of age. Unable to meet the typical milestones of crawling, standing, or walking, Ari's parents, Brita and Zy took Ari to the hospital for some tests.
But before any testing took place, Brita and Zy were told that Ari displayed all the signs of spinal muscular atrophy. Five weeks later, they were told that Ari had an additional condition called congenital muscular dystrophy, which meant living his life in a wheelchair.

We were broken. 100% broken. We started the whole grieving process all over again. We were numb.
Brita, Ari's mum
Ari's Adventurous Spirit
It's safe to say that life has brought its fair share of challenges for little Ari, yet he hasn't let them humble his adventurous spirit! Even through 125 medical appointments in a single year, Ari chose to take on the hurdles with a brave heart and an even bigger smile!
Fearless in the face of outdoor trails and skate ramps, it's no surprise that 9-year-old Ari wished for 'a daredevil trip to the snow'.
With Ari's love for thrill-seeking in mind, the Wish Team designed a wish that would take him and his family to the snowy peaks of Mount Hotham.

Ari's Fun-filled Wish
From non-stop high-speed adventures, to going up in a helicopter, to having epic snowball fights, Ari and his family experienced true heights of happiness at Mt Hotham.
“We had an incredible time. No one in the family had been up in a helicopter before, so that was special. And there was no shortage of thrills. He tore down the slopes in his ‘sit ski’, shrieking and whooping – he was even doing jumps!" says Brita.
Children with a critical illness miss out on so much of their childhood. Spending endless hours in hospital, facing countless barriers, they go without so many thrills and smiles. But with your help, we can bring back grins and giggles with the gift of a wish this Christmas.

Give now to make a wish come true this Christmas
Every child deserves a Christmas full of joyful experiences.
Right now, a child like Ari is dealing with the pain, fear, and loss of childhood caused by critical illness.
You have a unique and powerful opportunity to ensure these children don’t wait any longer than they have to for the life-changing hope and joy that only a wish can bring.
When you make a wish come true this Christmas you are giving a child with critical illness a gift like no other.
*Source: Bowers AP. (2022) Estimate of the number of children aged 3 to 17 years with a life-limiting condition in Australia. Figure estimated using data obtained under a Public Health Act granted for Bowers AP. Planning for paediatric palliative care services in Queensland: Characteristics, demographics and health needs of children and young people with life-limiting conditions [unpublished PhD thesis]. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology; 2020. Contact ap.bowers@qut.edu.au for further information.