Australian Children's Charity - Charli on her wish with her puppy Lola wearing a tutu

Vision, mission and values

As one of Australia's most inspirational charities, we are guided by our mission, vision and values in the work we do, every day.

Our mission, vision and values

As the world's largest wish-granting organisation, Make-A-Wish has a shared mission that unites us across more than 50 countries.

"Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses."

We're on a journey to bring every eligible child's wish to life - a quest sparked by the belief that a wish is integral to a child’s treatment.

"To grant the wish of every eligible child."

Our values are the basis of how we behave and come together to grant wishes. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure we live up to them, and celebrate them, every single day.

  • Child Focus: We always put wish children first.
  • Integrity: We are honest, transparent and respectful.
  • Impact: We deliver life-changing work.
  • Innovation: We are bold, imaginative and creative.
  • Community: We are a diverse group of people working together towards a common goal.

If you could wish for anything, what would it be?

That's the question we ask every wish child - to spark imagination, to envision the impossible, and encourage them to dream

Wish stories

6-year old Quinn sparks a movement of unicorn believers across Australia as her wish to fly with uni...

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From shredding at the skatepark to kick flips in the arena, Charlotte wishes to hang out with her fa...

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From self-taught stuntman to acrobatic recruit, 6-year-old Viker leapt into his wish to help his fav...

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Make-A-Wish Australia is proud to be a child-safe organisation. See our Child Safeguarding policy.

Wish children whose images feature on this page:

Charli, 6, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - I wish for a yellow Labrador puppy named Lola.