Code of conduct
Thank you for being a Wish Partner and Supplier and helping us to make Wish Journeys the most powerful experience they can be for our wish children.
To protect families and ensure the best possible outcome for wish children we've put together our code of conduct, outlining our expectations and your responsibilities when it comes to wishes.
We're proud to be a child safe organisation
Make-A-Wish® Australia is proud to be a child safe organisation. We are committed to always acting in the best interests of children and young people to keep them safe. We actively work to provide an environment where all children and young people, regardless of race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or ability, feel empowered to unlock their imaginations to discover their own unique wish, in a world free from limitations and judgement.
We don’t tolerate child abuse, and consider any form of emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect, as intolerable under any circumstances.

Make this the best experience
We provide an open, welcoming and safe environment for everyone participating in a wish. To protect our families and ensure the best possible experience for our wish children, we like to outline our expectations and your responsibilities when it comes to wishes.
DO Ask questions if you’re unsure of something. We’re here to help!
DO Treat everyone with respect regardless of their gender, age, ability, cultural background or religion (including Make-A-Wish employees and volunteers, all children, wish families, and all other guests).
DO Remember your conduct sets an example – have fun and smile!
DO Make sure children have regular breaks and be conscious of energy levels and need for water/food.
DO Leave any uninvited guests at home (including kids and pets!) – a wish is a special time for one unique child, let’s keep the focus on them.
DO Speak appropriately around children (no swearing, yelling, inappropriate language or suggestive comments, bullying or aggressive behaviour – we are a G rated organisation).
DO Make sure all personal information is handled in accordance with Make-A-Wish’s Privacy Policy and is securely stored or deleted.
DO Adhere to Make-A-Wish’s Child Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
DO Avoid unnecessary physical contact with children. If you are uncertain, check with Make-A-Wish representative.
DO Comply with directions from Make-A-Wish representatives, especially in relation to the safety of the wish child.
DO Ensure a parent and/or Make-A-Wish representatives can accompany the wish child for any activities you are planning.
DO Report any behavioural or child safety concerns you observe to Make-A-Wish, including in the physical company of wish children or when interacting online, and follow our commitment to child safeguarding at all times.
DO Report any suspicions of child abuse to the CEO of Make-A-Wish Australia.
DO Call 000 if you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse.
Help protect wish children, young people and families
DON’T Attend a wish if you’re unwell! Lots of wish kids have compromised immune systems.
DON’T Use any form of physical discipline or violence with a wish child.
DON’T Engage in any sexual act with a wish child.
DON’T Bring alcohol, cigarettes or drugs onto the premises of a wish.
DON’T Initiate talking to a wish child or their family/friends about their medical condition. A wish is a positive experience away from the challenges of their medical journey.
DON’T Ask a wish family directly about any media or PR opportunities. All of these requests go through Make-A-Wish.
DON’T Express personal views on cultures, race, religion or sexuality in the presence of the child.
DON’T Allow a child to use your own personal electronic devices, including mobile phones and computers, or communicate with wish children without consent from their parent/guardian (including all social platforms).
DON’T Take any photos of the wish child or family unless pre-approved by Make-A-Wish. You also cannot share any images, footage or information about the wish without consent from Make-A-Wish, who will seek the family’s permission on your behalf.
DON’T Have contact with a child or their family outside the wish without Make-A-Wish’s knowledge. This includes online contact. Accidental contact (e.g. seeing people in the street) is appropriate and should be handled in accordance with this Code of Conduct.
DON’T Be left alone with a child at any time or put children at risk of abuse (e.g. by locking doors). All children must be supervised at all times by either a Make-A-Wish representative or a parent/guardian. This includes online interactions via video conference.
DON’T Develop any “special relationships” with a child which could be seen as favouritism.
DON’T Put a child or their family in a situation that causes them distress or harm, or physical or psychological danger.
DON’T Ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed child abuse.