Meet Grace
Hi, my name is Grace. I am 25 years old and I am a cancer survivor.
Grace Favelle, cancer survivor, former wish child and current Make-A-Wish ambassador
Meet Grace
Grace is an incredibly poised and powerful 25-year-old, currently working as a Media and Communications Officer in the paediatric healthcare space (Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network).
You would never know that she is also a cancer survivor, who battled acute lymphoblastic leukaemia when she was just 5 years old.
Grace's wish came true with us in 2006 when we helped create a special place away from hospital for her whole family to enjoy.
Now, thanks both to surviving her life-threatening illness, and childhood wish experience, she is determined to spread messages of hope and support to other families and kids like her.

I first heard of Make-A-Wish through our social worker at the hospital.
Due to my diagnosis, she said I'd be eligible for a wish and I should start thinking about what I would like more than anything.
I was so young, but I remember being so excited about the possibilities.
I spent the next few weeks chatting with other patients, and every time someone spoke about their wish being granted, there was so much excitement all over the ward. In that way, I still believe a wish is truly magical.
Well, when I was diagnosed, I wasn't allowed to go in public pools anymore, as the risk of getting an infection was too high.
I was taken out of swimming lessons which I really loved. Trips to the beach didn't happen very often either - I was usually too sick to walk very far, and it was especially hard to walk on the sand.
For all these reasons, I decided that my greatest wish was for my very own pool as a space my whole family could enjoy.
I was so excited when my wish was granted.
Not only did it bring so much happiness and distraction for myself, but also my siblings and parents as well. I can’t thank Make-A-Wish enough for including them along the way.
Since graduating from university, I've been focused on my career. At the same time, I'm focused on giving back to my community, in part through my Make-A-Wish Ambassador role.
I see my diagnosis as a blessing in a way, it has shaped who I am and shaped my future. So many beautiful things have come out of it - I can't believe I'm saying that because I know it sounds weird in a way!
I was quite young when I was diagnosed, so there's a lot I don’t remember. However one thing I'll never forget is how hard it was for my whole family - my mum lived with me in the hospital, and had some awful days.
I remember one day, mum got introduced to an older person who was in long term remission from my same illness. This gave mum strength, which she needed so much.
This experience taught me how important it is for families to see kids come out the other side - that's what motivates me to spread my message.
The power of a wish is so incredible because it impacts not only you as the child but your family, friends, community.
In the hospital, a wish just lifts everyone's spirits – not only all the families but also doctors, nurses, volunteers and even the cleaners.
It would be so nice if everyone who donates could see the magic it brings to all the seriously ill children who receive them.
A wish also has a lifetime impact because they are so magical and create the most amazing memories.
A child can wish for the simplest thing, and Make-A-Wish makes it so special for the child and family.
That sort of generosity and magic stays with you forever and it impacts your whole life so positively.
I want all families to know that there is a whole community that is backing you.
It’s such a powerful thing to know that you are not alone.
Another message I try to get across is that there is hope, you can go on and be healthy – I’m healthy, I’m at uni and my diagnosis is now effecting me in a positive way.
It’s actually guided me.
It would be so nice if everyone who donates could see the magic wishes brings to all the seriously ill children who receive them.
Grace Favelle - cancer survivor, former wish child and current Make-A-Wish ambassador