About Make-A-Wish

Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Our mission is to grant the wish of every eligible child – a quest sparked by the belief that a wish is integral to a child’s treatment.

Our wishes

A wish is not a fleeting gift - each child's Wish Journey is carefully planned and delivered over several stages to create a positive, lasting impact.

  • Wishes are designed to complement a child's medical treatment, working to calm, distract and inspire at a time they need it most.
  • When a wish is realised, a child discovers that despite their situation, anything is possible.
  • In this way, wishes deliver both an immediate boost and long lasting effect on the lives of sick kids, their families and communities.

Wish impact

With more than 37 years of feedback from local wish families, along with a growing body of international research, shows that wishes give kids with critical illness greater strength and hope for their future.

Don't just take our word for it - watch the video to experience the goose-bump-inducing, life-changing power of a wish.

Archie tossing a cricket ball in his cricket kit

We need your help

In Australia today, the latest studies suggest more than 14,000 children are living with a life-threatening illness*.Thousands more are born or diagnosed with serious illnesses each year:

  • Approximately 2,400 babies are born with a heart condition each year (aihw.gov.au)
  • One in every 2,500 births produces a child with cystic fibrosis (cysticfibrosis.org.au)
  • More than 1000 children and teenagers (0-19 years) are diagnosed with cancer (aihw.gov.au)
  • One in 2800 children are born with a condition that causes childhood dementia (Childhood Dementia Initiative)

While many of these children eventually go on to lead normal, healthy lives - the fight for their future is all-consuming. During the weeks, months and often years of treatment, there's little opportunity for sick kids to just be kids and enjoy moments other families take for granted.

*Source: Bowers AP. (2022) Estimate of the number of children aged 3 to 17 years with a life-limiting condition in Australia. Figure estimated using data obtained under a Public Health Act granted for Bowers AP. Planning for paediatric palliative care services in Queensland: Characteristics, demographics and health needs of children and young people with life-limiting conditions [unpublished PhD thesis]. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology; 2020. Contact ap.bowers@qut.edu.au for further information.

Our mission

At Make-A-Wish, we exist to bring amazing people together to grant inspirational, life-changing wishes for children with a critical illness.

As one of Australia's most trusted charities*, we work in partnership with sick children, their families and medical teams to design and deliver wishes that are as unique as the children who imagine them.

No two wishes are alike - but every wish transforms the lives of those involved, from children themselves to their family, friends, the wish team and wider community.

Find out more about our vision, mission and values.

*The Annual Charity RepTrak Study - 2018, 2019 and 2020

Join the #WishForce

With more than 950 families currently on a Wish Journey, we need generous donors, volunteers and supporters to bring wishes to life.

Please, help us make a lasting impact. Together, we can give seriously ill children the anticipation and legacy of one true wish – helping them discover anything is possible.

Our People

Icon of a group of people in blue

Our Teams

Behind every child's wish is a team of dedicated specialists, committed to working making the impossible possible.

Meet our teams

icon of a handshake in blue

Our Board

Our board provide invaluable expertise and leadership.

Meet our Board

Icon of a shooting star in blue

Our Volunteers

Our amazing and passionate volunteer network give their time, energy and skills to make wishes come true all over Australia.

Meet our volunteers

Icon of a smiling and sparkling star in blue

Our Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors help raise awareness and increase our impact.

Meet our Ambassadors

Latest reports

Our Annual Review 2023 (PDF 12MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2023.

Our Financial Report 2023 (PDF 826KB)
Our Annual Review 2022 (PDF 6 MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2022.

Our Financial Report 2022 (PDF 515KB)
Our Annual Review 2021 (PDF 9.8MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2021.

Our Financial Report 2021 (PDF 1 MB)

See our financial report from 2021.

Our Annual Review 2020 (PDF 4MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2020.

Our Financial Report 2020 (PDF 1.8 MB)

See our financial report from 2020.

Our Annual Review 2019 (PDF 3.1MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2019.

Our Financial Report 2019 (PDF 6.7MB)

See our financial report from 2019.

Our Annual Review 2018 (PDF 2.4MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2018.

Our Financial Report 2018 (PDF 2MB)

See our financial report from 2018.

Our Annual Review 2017 (PDF 761KB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2017.

Our Financial Report 2017 (PDF 5.8MB)

See our financial report from 2017.

Our Annual Review 2016 (PDF 674KB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2016.

Our Financial Report 2016 (PDF 9.3MB)

See our financial report from 2016.

Our Annual Review 2015 (PDF 1.7MB)

See our wishes and achievements in 2015.

Our Financial Report 2015 (PDF 6.5MB)

See our financial report from 2015.


Make-A-Wish Australia is part of the world’s largest wish-granting charity, Make-A-Wish Foundation International.

For more information, visit the Australian Charities and Not- For-Profits Commission website.